Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Simple is simple, and simple is Simple, AND Simple is just simple, witch is Simple, witch is simple. Got it? Okay. Maybe not. Let me rephrase that for you: Simple is a simple guy. Well, sort of. But he kind of isn't. Well, I guess he's not very simple. Yeah. That's right. Simple is not very simple. Anyway, if your looking for a pal to help you out with your odd life, Simple would be the best choice.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pea Brain's Quest

Coming soon...

Coming soon...

Ted E. ^

Coming soon...

Odd Todd

Odd Todd is rather odd. Every morning he has desert, then he has dinner, then breakfast and then lunch. He does everything in a strange way. He eats popcorn will reading a book. He drinks hot coco in the summer. He even takes the front wheel off his tricycle. But don't take it badly. Take it as an opportunity to try new things.

Tripple and Dipple

One day, an ugly doll named Tripple was walking home, bragging to his best friend about his awesome two eyes and cool arm. But then, a wizard came out of nowhere and zapped Tripple with his wand. Then, Tripple grew another eye, his arm terned stubby, and worst of all, the back of his head grew a face! tripple was scared! But acouple days later, Tripple and the back of his head were best friends! One day, Tripple said, "I'm gonna call you Dipple!" And they are best friends still today.


Charles is a British cat. Don't worry if he crosses you. You won't get bad luck. In fact, you will get good luck. If Charles tells you to sit down, you should sit down. Why? Because if you sit down, Charles will tell you a story about when he lived in England. Is Charles bragging? No way! He wants to listen to your stories. So if you need someone to sit with you near the camp fire, choose Charles.


Khaos is as friendly as can be, just in a weird way. He loves to party, but when he makes guacamole, he doesn't dip chips in it. Instead, he dips vanilla wafers in it. But don't call Khaos crazy! if you do, Khaos will cry forever. So please, don't be mean to him, he is very sensitive. But please beware- once you have a party with Khaos, the party never stops.

Pea Brain

Pea Brain is a very smart pea. Okay. I know what you are thinking. Pea Brain means dumb, right? Well, Pea Brain is actually smart. His name is "Pea Brain" because he is a pea, with a brain. Most peas don't have a brain. Pea Brain went to 12 colleges and skipped preschool, 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade. He is rich because he has many jobs. He is a scientist, a doctor, and an engineer. Pea Brain also loves to read. Make sure you have books around your house when Pea Brain visits. He will look at every book you have. But his favorite thing to do in the world, is to be your friend.